Tuesday, March 22, 2016


My favorite part of Lock Lommond was all the ducks in the town of Luss, set against the magnificent deep water and venerable mountains. After some time on the pier out over the lock, I walked back in to shore and carefully down to the water's edge. Then i simply sat down and watched twenty or so ducks in action. I love ducks.

It was pretty great. As Joy said in her post, everything we saw today in the Highlands seemed to deserve a picture. I certainly felt that way, but as I became so filled with the beauty around me, the only thing I could do was put my camera down and take it all in. The pictures God set before me will always be in my mind. And that was just the drive into the Highlands. When we stopped the bus and got out to go for a hike, Jimmy said, "I'll meet you at the bottom of this hill." And off we went! In a way we were set free into this grand and awesome playground. (With permission), a few of us climbed up a couple hundred feet into the hills. Today was an adventurous day, and it all took place in the context of God's love, sovereignty, beauty, and magnificence.
~ Aaron Weber

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